Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Greetings! Meet Sandi. She's my writing prof. She's also my friend. Not in that order.

She was sitting on Santorini in Greece looking out at the Aegean when this shot was taken by her husband. It was during a cruise they took to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

Sandi thinks I write great stuff. And she does not think that about every writer she meets. So I finally realized I'm insulting her if I don't believe her. I'm smart like that.

It was her crazy idea that I have my own blog. And then this guy in my creative writing class, Toph (with a "ph" not an "fe"; it's short for ChrisTOPHer), echoed what she said. So it must be true, I mean if two people say it and all....

In the months to come, I hope to share with you some of my amazing experiences on the African continent with wildebeests and zebras and animals with tusks. In the states the only animals with tusks live behind metal bars. I'll also share some of my more interesting experiences trying to learn the president's English (as opposed to the queen's).

I'll share with you some of my poetry. And my thoughts on leadership. Pretty much anything that strikes me as being worthy of comment.

I'll tell you something you wouldn't guess about Sandi. In this picture she is wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt. And she teaches at a conservative seminary. Who knew?

I'm full of surprises, too. So plan to return every few days for more of my musings and tidbits about the world.

For starters, did you know that zebras bark? Think of me as a zebra and hear me barking here.


1 comment:

Zebrasbark said...

OK Sandi! I get the hint...I will begin to blog from this day forward...I mean BARK!