Tuesday, November 07, 2006

America's most powerful day

"By voting on November 7th, every American can get involved in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty, by exercising our most precious and fundamental right," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney. "We're pleased to join in support of such an important issue and encourage every American to vote and make their voice heard on Election Day."

"This is something all Americans can do together," said RNC Spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt. "We are happy to play a part in the critical battle to eradicate poverty and global AIDS."

"ONE Vote" brings together Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Don Cheadle, New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady, singer songwriter Toby Keith, Alfre Woodard, journalist Nick Clooney, faith leaders Pastor Rick Warren and Bishop Charles E. Blake, Democratic and Republican Strategists Mike McCurry and Jack Oliver and even Shayne Moore, a stay-at-home Mom and ONE supporter from Wheaton, Illinois.

"This is a first step toward making fighting global poverty a growing priority for American voters," said Damon, who narrates the spot. "It's not a Republican or Democrat issue, that's the great thing about it. When I was in Zambia recently, I saw faith-based, non faith-based, far right, far left, all working side by side. Everybody is working together to try to solve these issues because there really is only one side."

In the spot, all join together with over 2.4 million supporters of the ONE Campaign to "pledge ONE vote" not for a candidate or party - but instead to help fight global AIDS and extreme poverty and make a better, safer world for us all.

"I feel that we're all called to make a difference in this world." I've been blessed with so many opportunities, and I think about all the things that we as Americans take for granted -- not many people are as fortunate as us," said Tom Brady, Quarterback of the New England Patriots. "Not only sports fans, but all people, all Americans, can get involved - go to ONE.org, pledge your vote, and pledge to learn more about what's going on and see what more you can do."

"AIDS and poverty will never be solved by one group alone, it takes government, it takes churches, and it takes business - and each of them have a role," said Pastor Rick Warren and author of "Purpose Driven Life" "The ONE campaign is mobilizing people to vote and to start to show that we care, so that it gets on the agendas of the people who make our laws and decide how to spend our funding."

"In every village, in every city, and in every nation that I've visited on the continent of Africa, I've observed people who have the ambition, the desire, and the longing, but they don't have the resources," said Bishop Charles E. Blake. "We must join together to make some of those resources available to people who want to do better, who want to help themselves, but who don't have the ability to do so because of lack of resources.

ONE supporters sneak previewed "ONE Vote" at over 676 local events and "house parties" in all 50 states on Sunday, October 15th. As airwaves are filled with campaign ads asking Americans for their vote, ONE is coming to American voters with a bipartisan, hopeful message that ONE is a campaign in which Americans do not have to take a side - there is only ONE side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty.

America's greatest strength is our compassion and willingness to be engaged on the world stage," said Oliver. "ONE's 'base' is really both bases--Republicans and Democrats can come together to make sure that the voices of the billion people who live on less than $1 a day are heard both in this election and the 2008 presidential cycle."

"This is something all Americans can do together across party lines,"; said McCurry. "For the first time, we have real solutions that work in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty, and America can help lead the world in saving and changing lives."

ONE: THE CAMPAIGN TO MAKE POVERTY HISTORY is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans -- ONE by ONE -- to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE is a coalition of over 2.4 million people and 100 of the nation's leading relief, humanitarian and advocacy organizations. For more information, please visit: www.one.org

(all of the above are selected clips from their website)


Anonymous said...

Hey Leani! I work with the ONE Campaign, and I just wnated to say thanks for such a great post! I also wanted to see if you would be interested in being added to ONE's growing and developing blog roll, as one of our supporters? We're currentlty in the process of updating and restructuring our blog roll, in an attempt to build up the poverty/AIDS blogoshpere, and we would love to add yours to our page! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have, at: meagan@data.org. Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Meagan McManus
The ONE Campaign

Zebrasbark said...

this just proves my belief that one person can make a difference!

...here I am, a random South African in the huge USofA and I have my subjective little voice floating around on my blog...hoping to encourage somebody I don't know (yet) to take notice and maybe even participate in the raging battle against so many evils on my continent...

...and then one day I receive a comment from somebody connected to the two most influencial movements on the planet that are rocking the western world and shining hope to so many needy people in Africa!