Out of
Wrapped in film, vision imparted at age ten,
Emboldened to risk and to write—
To take arms against a sea of indifference
To sound alarm for her people
Esther again, “If I perish, I perish”
Before King America, trembling, kneeling
Interceding for her tribe
Mother inclusive, stretching to put arms around
Faces that have names
Bodies warm but worn
Heroic woman, no longer the girl
Symbol of a
Barricades to block, seas that separate
Strokes across maps, man’s boundaries etched on earth
Divisions invisible with visible effects
To segregate and relegate
Midday sun erases shadows; the world flattens in glaring light
To reach every hidden place
Theater images pale, celluloid details recede
Words fall off scripts, dialogues cease
Reality revealed at the Son’s Appearing
Whose breath sucks pride from heartless foes
Whose hand reaches for the least of these
Whose heart holds the whole weary world
All at once
Uneven, leveled
Life more than here or there
Mysteries of human connection, faint but real
Tethered to Beyond, centered in One
One Lord One Faith One Baptism
And for now, one friend who embodies a nation
Who personifies love reaching beyond the cinema
by Carol Fruge’ 2006